To schedule a Reinstatement appointment, contact one of our locations
Transfer-in participants fee is $290, the State fee and Assessment fee will not apply if already assessed by the transferring program
Counselor conducts Intake appointment and develops schedule
To schedule an Intake appointment, contact one of our locations:
Photo ID
Intake Fee of $290 ($390 for Wet and Reckless) payable by MONEY ORDER only. We do not accept other forms of payment
Money order should be signed, include your full name and your current address
No drug or alcohol use 24 hours prior to appointment
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your Intake Appointment, allow 2.5 hours
Referral from the Court of conviction, Probation, DMV K-4 printout, or Administrative per Se (APS) letter
Bring the following to your Intake Appointment
Alcohol and Drug Assessment (AOD Assessment)
Counselor meets with participant to conduct AOD Assessment. The purpose is to determine whether or not Participant might benefit from ancillary services such as: detoxification services, recovery services, residential treatment, mental health treatment, outpatient services or family counseling. Counselor provides referral for ancillary services to aid participant in achieving their goals and life changing objectives.
At any time during enrollment in the DUI program, Participant may request a financial assessment to determine his/her ability to pay program fees. Participant must provide documentation of income such as:
Award letter from general assistance or other public assistance
Pay vouchers or payroll stubs for the prior 2 months
Tax return for the prior calendar year
Bank statements for prior 2 months
Financial Assessment
To return to the DUI program, you must pay any outstanding balances and provide proper re-referral documentation before re-enrolling. If participant was terminated over 2 years or longer, no credit is given for prior program services.
Bring the following to Reinstatement Appointment:
Reinstatement Fee of $110.00 payable by money order only
Money order should be signed, include your full name, your Client ID # and your current address
Any re-referral documents (within 30 days current)
Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment, allow 30 minutes
No drug or alcohol use 24 hours prior to appointment
Counselor conducts Reinstatement appointment and develops schedule